Using Engagements

Engagements represent the engagement models that are open or closed on a single account.

Engagement Models are what house the predetermined activity cards that are assigned to an account owner; located on the left-hand side of a single account page.

Actions that can take place within an engagement model are the following:

  • Opening or Closing the engagement model (Open/Close button is on the far right of the open engagement)

    • When all the activity cards that are associated with an engagement model are moved to the closed lane the engagement model is closed automatically

    • If the engagement model is closed manually, the activity cards will still need to be moved to the closed lane if they have not already been moved

  • It should be noted that if you are wanting to see what activities are associated to an engagement model, you will have to lock the account and click on the activity dashboard.

Engagement models also house all attachments that have been added to the activity cards, you can also see every single attachment uploaded to an account in the Attachments section of the account on the left-hand side.

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